Thursday, July 22, 2010


hi all, i recently purchasedtwo tom tom 910 for about 500.00, which seemed to good to be true but i checked the sellers feedback and everythink seemed fine, so i hit the button and waited and waited so i contacted the seller no reply...... after about 3 days i received a message from the seller saying that someone had accessed his account!!!! so this is what happened(i think?) a guy in japan accessed this guys account in the uk and changed his paypal e-mail address to his own and listed a load of tom tom 910's so when people paid the money went to him, lucky for me i contacted paypal and hopefully i should get my cash back, i even had an e-mail from the guy in japan saying "why have you stopped the payment?" i have the items ready to post i just borrowed the mans id to sell!!!!!!! after i picked myself off the floor i replyed saying he was a scammer and he replyed saying"me no scam" so my advise is to firstly before you bid contact the seller because these people look for e-bayers with good feedback who havent sold or brought anythink for some time ie havent been logged onto e-bay so they dont notice someone selling on there account!!!! so beware before you buy, contact the seller and check his account activitie! hope this helps you all



i have now received my money back from paypal, but be carefull!!!!!!!

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