Friday, September 25, 2009

shrinking heatshrink

Heatshrink is a very versatile tubing that has over a thousand and one uses.There is a variety of ways to shrink heatshrink tubing and the most popular and best way is to use a hot air gun (paint stripping gun) a gas blow torch can also be used but be carful not to burn the tubing.The side of a soldering iron is aslo used a lot, ideal for small lengths but time consuming for long lengths.If you dont have any of the above here are some other great ways of shrinking the tubing - the hob ring of a electric/gas cooker will do the job as well as the steam from a boiling kettle (another person will have to keep the on/off button pressed all the time) or even the steam from a wall paper stripper or one of them cleaning steamers.Laying the tubing in hot water a little below boiling point does a good job too.Acigarette lighter will work but it does tend to leave a black mark on the tubing which is very difficult to remove, ok if you using black heatshrink i suppose.All of the above will work and there is probably a few others that i have not mentioned that will workas long as the heat source is above 70 degrees centigrade which is the starting shrinking temperature of the heatshrink that i sell. a good tip is to apply heat evenly over or rotate the job around the heat source.Adomestic hair dryer will not work as they do not get hot enough, they average about 60 degrees centigrade.

Orignal From: shrinking heatshrink

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